Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This is the start of the blog I'll be keeping up for the semester that I'm studying abroad in Brisbane, in the state of Queensland in Australia, at the University of Queensland (UQ).

Nothing too exciting going on yet, but final preparations are under way, with the last of the forms getting sent into IFSA-Butler, making sure my VISA and passport are up-to-date, and making sure I say goodbye to all my friends before they leave for their second semester: UQ is on their summer break right now, so I'll be studying there during their fall semester, which means their classes don't start until the end of February. I've been approved for nine different classes, but I'm planning on taking four (max requirement for study abroad students): Belief and Unbelief (THE), Australia's Marine Environment (NATSCI), World Music (ART/LIT), and Intro to Psych (SOC).

My feeling about going abroad as of right now? I feel like it isn't actually real, like it's not happening, and it won't actually hit me until I'm there and unable to come back. I'm nervous because of that, since I won't exactly be able to come home for a weekend if I need a break: once I'm there, I'm there. It'll be a great new opportunity, though, with the chance to start completely fresh with a completely new set of faces (not to mention new slang), with all of the past semester's drama left behind. My semester studying abroad couldn't come at a better time, since it's right in the middle of what I've come to know as the stressful year of college, and I'm ready for something new to experience that I don't think St. Joe's could offer to me at this point.

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